
Believe In Dreams

New Order New Life

Aboriginal Creation Lore is the official earth representative of the celestial realms and home to Beings of the Higher Universal Lore and Order previously unknown. Bugal Wena, All-Mother, is the prophecy foretold in Genesis and Revelations.

In her most essential representation, this figure would symbolise the sanctity and provenance of the earth itself. This intimate interrelationship between human cultural manifestation and the natural world is beautifully enunciated in the words of Marija Gimbutas (1989) in her seminal work The Language of the Goddess:

In all her manifestations, the Goddess symbolised the unity of life in Nature. Her power was in water and stone, tomb and cave, animals and birds, snakes and fish, hills, trees, and flowers. Hence, the holistic and mythopoeic perception of the sacredness and mystery of all there is on earth. (p. 321)

Burrel Bullai - Watch Over You
Conception Dreaming Site
Nulla Nulla Creek
Authors Second Birth Water

Birth Rights

All-Mother gave, from the All-Father-Creator Spirit to Bugal Wena, the dream of a united world as one global family interconnected and interrelated.

The logistics of the original ancient matrilineal lineage intact, giving birth to the eternal seed of life, I threw out the window many years ago when the chances, pure luck, synchronicities, and coincidences of my dream being the reality of the outcome of future humanity’s fate become the foretold prophecy of the Biblical ‘ Woman and her remnant Seed: the Feathered Serpent Moieties to the Rainbow Serpent Lore.

The people of the world so blinded by lies and deceit for generations lost out, but providence intervenes.

Near-Death Experience Of Humanity

Believe in the Butterfly Dreaming. The entire cycle of metamorphosis is complete. Everlasting life is there for the stray and confused, the unwell and disabled, the vagabond and disadvantaged souls who toiled a life of hardship and despair.

Bugal Wena means caring and sharing, the quintessence of all relationships between human groups and the natural world. And the longest-living Lore to the Lands and waters. Everyone gets a chance —the Divine Mother’s love for the children of her earthly form for unended long-suffering.

Aboriginal Creation Lore is the product of the dream of the eternal seed, made to order—an authentic, genuine, original truth in its purest state.

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