Dreaming in Star Time

Original Starlore Children

The Stars mirror terrestrially on the Earth. It is above my mothers’ tribe, Ancient River—the Macleay. Our biological rhythms tune in naturally to the annual cycles of Earth’s mother. The vault across the heavens speaks eternal truth unchanging. The time for rebirth is now.

These same stars all the Matristic cultures around the planet once read. Matristic society had a nurturing quality and quality harmonics balanced with the Universe. A different portion of the sky is attributed to continents, Australia. At the beginning of the new cycle, the final: a new epoch and the last. The essence of Dreaming Bootheram is love.

As above, so below – the creation Lores of Grandmother Rainbow Serpent and the Seven Sisters can be read every evening, across the night sky, like a book…and corresponding terrestrial sites can be visited. Rituals are performed to commemorate the creation of life on earth.


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