
Lost Children of Earth

Evil is Doomed Guaranteed

Evil To End All Evil

Aboriginal Creation Lore aware many people still live in a lie. The truth is, again, kept from the children. The world governments mass control precious lives, herded like cattle into believing their governments will keep them safe, sadly, many people trust them. Aboriginal Creation Lore has informed the public of the government lies.

The Mowi who has remained hidden in a false assumption held by people of earth it does not exist is the highlighted subject and point of creating the Aboriginal Creation Lore blog and website, to reveal the actual another half of the unknown story.

The primary and absolute objective of the Mowi, aka satan, is for that very reason to make people believe, ‘ there nothing like the devil. The children deceived continually Aboriginal Creation Lore blog and website is the ‘ only direct source of truth remaining on the earth, the rest is falsehoods created hundreds of years ago by the Mowi families, the Illuminati.


The Mowi worldwide empire is nearing the end of its reign on my world. The earth is entering the new heaven on the earth. Aboriginal Creation Lore holds the midnight candle for those who find their path to the blog and website. There are lost children who remain it is for those very few, or one, souls the truth is out there.

The Galactic Calendar of time, one-time Astrological event, Solstice 2020 marked the end of an era and the beginning of a new epic. The Lores to the creation of the universe are written into the celestial vaults of the heavens, the stars. Incorruptible lore withstanding beyond scope any human concept of human origins.

The Aboriginal Last Days Rainbow Serpent Prophecy foretold many thousands of years before, but the truth became lost in the fictional hoax reality the world exists in today. All roads lead to the ‘ Mowi, Illuminati families who rule and dominate the earth inhabitants, whose scheme of the New World Order conceived then hatched in Australia 1829.

History Thieves

The Illuminati families of the devil finger in both illicit and lawful operations worldwide and their movements are monitored. There is no escape from the impending Judgement of the living and the dead.

Aboriginal Creation Lore was created for the children of the world to understand the precise account of suffering and humanity, its beginning and inevitable end. So much trouble in the world is created by the Illuminati families of satan, the Mowi.

Demonic entities rule the airwaves and the people are oblivious to the actual problem on the earth today, again a fabrication of lies, deception, and lust for the devil’s eye, money. The destruction and annihilation of earth’s mother were also planned and instigated by the Mowi, satan. The Illuminati program fueled propaganda on the direct destruction of existence itself eliminating innocence and the essence of humanity. Nobody and nothing can get away with mass destruction.

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