Mastermind Agenda

Scales Of Justice

Without truth and justice, the people suffer. There needs to be more clarification and distortion between the actual reality of life and myth. As I grew up, my mother’s mantra “You have to get to the bottom of the problem.” I was in good stead with pearls of wisdom passed down from the family’s matriarchs.

I was born with a silver “celestial” spoon in my mouth in every conceivable way, shape and form. The synchronicities, coincidences, chance and ‘ pure luck came to the realisation I dream I was in the ‘ real world and always have been.

Born Liars

My teachers and guides are the creative ancestral spirits and the ancient grandmother, the Rainbow Serpent [Gran]. As part of my lifelong learning was Biblical prophecy, I now understand they were “woman’s prophecy.” The feminine omitted and became male law. The ‘ woman and her remnant seed re-establish natural order and a rebalance of unchecked patriarchal dominance.

I may be in the company of beings of high order who are the universe’s superpowers; however, most of my knowledge and wisdom comes down to life experiences over decades. I had to figure out the details of my place in the world alone in a world of confusion created to confuse.

The lies and cover-ups of the actual natural history of the world have much more to them than the dominant controlling patriarch order, which is a front too, again, the Mowi personal grudge against creation and the created and target the Matristic [partnership] Starlore children to this day.

Which Way Is Up?

Great misunderstanding of the Bible teachings no doubt to “Albino patriarch” distorted views that divert the natural course of history.

The Mowi is well-versed in scripture and began to plot his diabolical schema to disrupt the natural order of creation, distract and annihilate the original civilisation, the Black people, and terminate the lineage of the Biblical woman and her seed fulfilment in Bible prophecy. It knew the ‘ seed was in the black race. The “only race.” created the Aryan and extinguished existence. Case closed.

There is one per cent of the population in the world right now plotting the appearance of the antichrist to the earth’s inhabitants. The alien story is again a front to further the Mowi agenda manipulation of the senses via the artificial frequencies now smother the planet. Enter the COVID-19 vaccine, and 5G is the perfect plan.

The Backup Plan

We have always known there was a ‘ tear in the fabric of the Quantum fields. We got to the bottom of the ‘ problem.

There is a cut-off point, and the Mowi knows it. After that time elapses, the table turns. In his Redemption Song, Bob Marley says,

“We’ve got to fulfil the Book.”

The return of new life of earth upon us sooner than later.


  1. […] Aboriginal Creation Lore began to publish the “truth” of the Mowi and its evil empire, the Illuminati, who cower in fear, hidden away in the darkness, […]

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