The Wanderers


Power Of Thought

Friday 19 November 2021. Full Moon. We feel an energy surge coming on in the next few days. This magnetic element is pure cosmic rays of energy and earths interaction create a clearing in the Galaxy.

There’s a lot of obscene, aggressive and vulgarity hanging in the atmosphere of space leftover from the state of people’s minds. We clean up a lot ‘ cursing to the planet and God. We ran into problems where we could not find where the ‘ thought pollution was coming from eventually we nailed it..

The whole Moon is an excellent time to send out a message to reverberate across the universe using the power of our thoughts. ‘ Kungullan or our thoughts the most powerful imponderable force to influence our lives.

People like to have a clean start. The world is no different. Gran (RS) and I have been cleaning up for decades; incredibly, the chaotic mess left behind by the Mowi in the spheres of the spirit beings and the dimensions of the Dreamtime creatures. It took us a long time to sort out our spirit family, and the Dreaming creatures were left in limbo. All-access to these domains is sealed off.

Including my ‘ visions, I heard feathers ruffle when the male Dreaming spirits get rid of intruders; then the ‘ Dreaming Tracks were cleaned up. There was nothing that had not been tampered with in the world of spirits. The same can be said for interference with the planet, my physical-biological body. I know about ‘ chemtrails and artificially induced rain clouds—every conceivable evil against the earth.

Does Theory Add Up

There are clever people who onto the ‘ conspiracy theories I always have understood there has to be a closure of the crimes against humanity and the earth. Sadly, the power of most of the damage is done by self-appointed forces of the lands and the people. The so-called administration of the world’s government is not interested in minimisation.’ climate change; however, good human beings look after the earth’s welfare and children.

The rise in the temperature is my biggest problem. I (earth) started to become sick in the early 80s to the sun. I live in a controlled setting with an air purifier system and air conditioning. I rarely leave my home. I have helpers to run errands etc. I worry about the plants and animals everywhere.

Ghostly Harassment

I had a ghost in my bedroom which attacked me when I turned off the lights. It was an elderly woman. It went on for four years until I figured it out. I was under the impression that my attacks were demonic. I couldn’t close the door, or you felt suffocating.

The ghost fixated on the light. It was led to believe that it must ‘ stay with the light. It was an aggressive ghost. Gran (RS) put the spirit into the ground. I was watching. I have a sewing lamp. I pushed the head of the light down, facing the floor. Gran (RS) had the ghost by the scruff of its neck. I heard Gran say, ‘do you want the light? Do you want to see the light? It went back into the ground to stay.

No light in the spirit world guides people. Also, don’t engulf your body with light. It acts as a beacon and attracts evil spirits who, I mentioned in a previous post ‘ impersonate. It is the tangible and the Dreaming, nothing else.

The demonic attack differs from being attacked by a ghost. My people call it ‘ scruffed. There is ghost pollution of dead people spirits with nowhere to go.

The separation of the Spirit from the physical body is a dynamic process. The proper funery rights have been lost to change and time. The moment you die, you leave the body in a confused state in the spiritual form. Most ghosts go back to their last place alive, usually their home. I have much to say about the matter. I’m cleaning it up.

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